by Amy Kennedy
As an opening into our Tax Series, which should last us through to the actual Tax season and prepare us all for what to expect and how to prepare, I would like to address one of the most commonly asked...
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Last time, we talked about how much money to set aside for your taxes which sparked a great discussion on Facebook. Many people working from home as an Independent Contractor do not realize us self-employed pay more taxes than we...
Read moreby Amy Kennedy
I have filed taxes using online software like TurboTax for years. Even though I work from home and am self-employed- I find using TurboTax is easy! It walks me through deductions and seems fit to my exact situation. Unique Tax...
Read moreby Amy Kennedy
Working at home often means you are self-employed and therefore, tax season becomes a bit complicated! The last time we had a group meeting, the topic that was most discussed was income tax. Most commonly asked questions were: What can...
Read moreby Amy Kennedy
If you work online then it is obvious you have an expense of the internet! Now, you possibly would have already had that expense because you already use it for personal reasons. So can you write off your Internet Expense...
Read moreby Erica Martin
It’s tax time, which means it’s time to pull out that shoe box you’ve been saving your receipts in and start figuring out where to deduct your different tax deductions. Don’t you ever wish there was a better way to...
Read moreby Erica Martin
Written By: Erica Martin Tax time is just around the corner. Hopefully you’ re able to claim enough credits that you’ll actually end up getting money back from the government. But what if you end up owing money to the...
Read moreby Miranda Grimm
One of the most complicated parts to filing taxes as self-employed is knowing your tax deductions. A big write-off is your home office space and utilities used to maintain that space. But there are a lot of extremely important things...
Read moreby Erica Martin
Whether you work from home or outside of the home, chances are at some point you’ll have to deal with the IRS. The good news is, there’s a lot of information you can get from the IRS, whether you choose...
Read moreby Miranda Grimm
While Tax Season is still many months ahead of us, it is important to stop several times through the year and evaluate where we stand. As a warning, I am not a tax specialist and never would I claim to...
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