Coexisting When You Both Work From Home: 15 Tips

Updated on: by Amy Kennedy
A couple working from home

Coexisting and working from home with a partner presents unique opportunities and challenges.

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Navigating professional responsibilities while maintaining a healthy relationship requires thoughtful planning and consideration.

In this guide, we will explore 15 essential tips that address various aspects of working from home together, offering practical insights to foster a balanced and productive environment.

Benefits of Coexisting While Working from Home Together

Working from home has become a new norm for many couples, transforming the way relationships and careers intertwine.

When both partners share the same workspace, it’s not just about convenience; it opens the door to a multitude of benefits that enrich both personal and professional lives.

Let’s explore seven key benefits of coexisting while working from home:

1. Enhanced Quality Time Together

More Opportunities to Connect: Working from the same location allows couples to spend more time together, fostering closeness and understanding.

Shared Breaks and Meals: Couples can enjoy breaks, lunches, and coffee together, making everyday moments special.

Flexible Schedules: Coordinating work schedules can lead to more synchronized free time, enhancing the quality of leisure time.

2. Cost Savings

Reduced Commute Costs: With both partners working from home, transportation costs and daily expenses like eating out can be reduced significantly.

Shared Resources: Sharing office supplies and equipment leads to additional savings.

Utility Management: Managing utilities strategically can lead to better energy efficiency and cost control.

3. Improved Work-Life Balance

Flexible Working Hours: Having the ability to set individual work hours leads to a better balance between professional and personal life.

Mutual Support: Couples can support each other in managing household chores and responsibilities, ensuring a more equitable division of labor.

Childcare Coordination: If children are involved, couples can coordinate childcare responsibilities more effectively.

4. Increased Empathy and Understanding

Shared Work Experiences: Experiencing similar work conditions fosters empathy and a deeper understanding of each other’s professional lives.

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Mutual Encouragement: Being in the same environment allows for immediate support and encouragement during challenging work situations.

Open Communication: Physical proximity facilitates ongoing communication and sharing, strengthening the relationship.

5. Personalized Work Environment

Customized Office Spaces: Couples can create and design their workspaces according to individual preferences and needs.

Joint Decision-making: Decisions about the shared working environment can be made together, ensuring that both partners’ needs are met.

Harmonious Setup: Creating a work environment that reflects both partners’ styles can lead to a more comfortable and productive workspace.

6. Enhanced Collaboration

Joint Projects: If both partners are in related fields, they might find opportunities for collaboration and joint projects.

Idea Exchange: Regular interactions can stimulate creativity and provide fresh perspectives on work-related challenges.

Skill Sharing: Partners can learn from each other’s expertise, enhancing their professional growth.

7. Environmental Benefits

Reduced Carbon Footprint: Fewer commutes mean a reduction in emissions and overall environmental impact.

Sustainable Living: Working from home encourages the efficient use of resources, contributing to a more sustainable lifestyle.

Conscious Choices: Together, couples can make environmentally friendly choices in their daily work routines, aligning with shared values and contributing positively to the planet.

Coexisting When You Both Work From Home

Sharing work and living space with a partner can be both a rewarding and challenging experience. Effective communication, clear boundaries, and respect for each other’s needs are key to a harmonious work-from-home environment.

Here are fifteen tips to help you navigate this unique dynamic:

Tip 1: Define Separate Workspaces

Creating individual workspaces is vital for concentration and efficiency.

Home Office Solutions

Companies like IKEA offer a variety of home office solutions suitable for small or shared spaces. From compact desks to ergonomic chairs, IKEA’s products can help create a functional work area within your home.

This setup can boost productivity by providing a designated space solely for work.

Shared Office Spaces

If space at home is limited, considering options such as those offered by WeWork might be beneficial. WeWork provides shared office spaces with all the necessary amenities, offering a professional environment without the isolation of working from home.

This can be a perfect solution for couples needing separate spaces during work hours.

Room Dividers

Room dividers can create a sense of separation in a shared space. Retailers like Amazon offer numerous options ranging from foldable screens to bookshelf dividers. These dividers can add aesthetic value to your living space while creating the privacy needed for focused work.

Tip 2: Establish Work Hours

Keeping consistent work hours helps both partners maintain a work-life balance.

Sync Schedules

Tools like Google Calendar allow couples to view each other’s schedules and plan accordingly. By syncing calendars, couples can avoid scheduling conflicts and ensure time for joint activities.

This fosters better communication and helps balance work with leisure.

Set Boundaries

Setting firm start and end times for work helps delineate professional and personal life. Consistent work hours allow both partners to anticipate each other’s availability and plan personal activities accordingly.

Boundaries help in managing expectations and reducing the chance of misunderstandings.

Tip 3: Communicate Openly

Open communication is the foundation of any healthy relationship, especially when working from home together.

Regular Check-Ins

Setting aside time to discuss how the work-from-home arrangement is affecting each person helps in addressing potential issues early. Regular check-ins promote open dialogue and offer opportunities to make necessary adjustments.

These conversations ensure that both partners’ needs and concerns are acknowledged and addressed.

Utilize Technology

Communication tools like Slack can facilitate non-disruptive communication during work hours. By utilizing these platforms, couples can send quick messages without interrupting each other’s workflow.

It allows for real-time communication while maintaining professional boundaries during work hours.

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Tip 4: Respect Each Other’s Privacy

Respecting privacy enhances trust and understanding in a relationship.

Headphones and Noise-Canceling Solutions

Products like Bose QuietComfort headphones can minimize distractions during work calls or focused tasks. These noise-canceling solutions enable both partners to work efficiently, even in close proximity, without disturbing one another.

They also provide a sense of auditory privacy within a shared space.

Create ‘Do Not Disturb’ Signals

Using signs or indicators to signal when not to be disturbed promotes respect for each other’s work time. Such signals can be as simple as a door sign or an agreed-upon visual cue.

This practice helps in setting clear expectations and ensures that important work tasks can be completed without interruption.

Tip 5: Share Household Responsibilities

Dividing household chores ensures that no one partner is burdened with all the non-work related tasks.

Create a Chore Chart

A chore chart can facilitate the division of household tasks. By outlining who is responsible for what and when, it can help in maintaining a fair distribution of labor.

This encourages teamwork and helps maintain a harmonious living environment.

Automate Where Possible

Investing in appliances like robotic vacuum cleaners can automate some household tasks, reducing the burden on both partners.

Automation can save time and energy, allowing more focus on work and each other.

Tip 6: Plan Regular Breaks Together

Scheduling breaks together can strengthen the relationship and provide a refreshing pause from work.

Coffee or Lunch Breaks

Just like in a regular office environment, planning coffee or lunch breaks together can create a relaxed atmosphere to unwind. It offers an opportunity for casual conversation and bonding during the workday.

Exercise Together

Engaging in physical activities like a joint workout session or a walk can break the monotony of work. Exercise boosts mental well-being and provides a chance to connect in a non-work context.

Tip 7: Support Each Other’s Career Growth

Offering mutual support for career goals fosters a positive work environment at home.

Celebrate Achievements

Acknowledging and celebrating each other’s successes and milestones fosters a supportive atmosphere. It reinforces the partnership and demonstrates that each partner values the other’s accomplishments.

Encourage Professional Development

Supporting each other in attending workshops, webinars, or pursuing courses enhances professional growth. Resources like LinkedIn Learning provide various opportunities for skill development that can be pursued together or individually.

Tip 8: Invest in Quality Furniture

Comfortable furniture enhances the work-from-home experience.

Ergonomic Chairs

Investing in ergonomic chairs like those from Herman Miller ensures proper support during long working hours. Good posture prevents physical strain, promoting overall well-being.

Adjustable Desks

Desks that can be adjusted for sitting or standing offer flexibility and can reduce physical discomfort. Brands like Varidesk provide such solutions that can suit different work preferences.

Tip 9: Prioritize Mental Health

Mental well-being is essential for a healthy work and relationship balance.

Mindfulness Practices

Practices like meditation and mindfulness enhance mental clarity and emotional stability. Apps like Headspace offer guided sessions that couples can do together or separately.

Seek Professional Help if Needed

If work-from-home challenges become overwhelming, seeking professional help from counselors or therapists is a prudent step. Resources like Talkspace provide online therapy options that can be accessed from the comfort of home.

Tip 10: Consider the Needs of Others in the Home

If living with children, pets, or other family members, their needs should be considered in the work-from-home arrangement.

Family Activity Time

Scheduling family activities during breaks or after work hours fosters a sense of togetherness. Whether it’s a game night or a family movie, it helps in maintaining a healthy family dynamic while working from home.

Pet Care Routine

If there are pets in the home, establishing a care routine ensures their needs are met. This includes feeding, exercise, and attention, and the responsibilities can be shared between partners.

Tip 11: Network and Engage with Others

Maintaining external social connections enhances personal and professional growth.

Virtual Networking Events

Platforms like Meetup offer virtual networking events that can keep you engaged with your professional community. Participating in these events can expand your network and provide opportunities for growth.

Engage in Hobbies

Pursuing hobbies or engaging in community activities outside work helps in maintaining a balanced life. Whether it’s a local sports league or a painting class, these activities offer a refreshing break from the work routine.

Tip 12: Regularly Evaluate and Adjust the Arrangement

Continuous evaluation ensures that the work-from-home arrangement adapts to changing needs.

Monthly Review Meetings

Holding monthly review meetings allows both partners to discuss what’s working and what needs adjustment. This keeps the arrangement flexible and responsive to both partners’ needs.

Experiment with Different Setups

Being open to trying different workspace setups or work routines keeps the arrangement fresh and adaptable. Experimentation allows you to find what works best for both partners in the long term.

Tip 13: Cultivate a Positive Attitude

A positive outlook can make the co-working experience more enjoyable and productive.

Focus on the Benefits

Concentrating on the advantages of working from home together, like more time with each other and flexibility, fosters a positive perspective. This positivity can enhance the overall work-from-home experience.

Encourage Each Other

Offering words of encouragement and support builds a positive and motivating environment. Recognizing each other’s efforts and expressing gratitude strengthens the relationship.

Tip 14: Respect Differences in Work Styles

Understanding and respecting each other’s work styles prevents misunderstandings.

Discuss Work Habits

Openly discussing individual work habits and preferences helps in setting expectations. Understanding each other’s work styles ensures a smooth co-working arrangement.

Adapt and Compromise

Being flexible and willing to adapt to each other’s needs creates a harmonious work environment. Compromise fosters cooperation and shows respect for individual differences.

Tip 15: Consider Future Goals and Plans

Aligning work-from-home practices with long-term goals ensures that the arrangement supports future aspirations.

Discuss Long-Term Goals

Openly discussing future plans and aligning them with the work-from-home setup helps in setting a clear direction. This ensures that both partners are working toward common goals.

Review and Adjust Regularly

Regularly reviewing how the work-from-home arrangement aligns with future goals ensures that it remains relevant and supportive. Continuous alignment fosters a sense of shared purpose and keeps both partners on the same path.


Successfully working from home with a partner hinges on communication, collaboration, and compromise.

By implementing these 15 well-considered tips, couples can create a harmonious work environment that respects individual needs while nurturing the relationship.

Embracing this approach not only enhances work productivity but also strengthens the bond, making working from home a rewarding experience for both partners.

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