by Amy Kennedy
Unleashing the potential of a side hustle not only can strengthen your financial standing but can also give rise to an undiscovered passion or talent. However, the primary hurdles often lie in initiating this journey – motivation and inspiration. This...
Read moreby Amy Kennedy
In our pursuit of success and financial independence, there is much to be learned from self-made millionaires. These individuals have achieved remarkable levels of wealth through their own efforts and determination. By studying their strategies and adopting their mindset, we...
Read moreby Amy Kennedy
By Erica Martin: Since I started working from home , many people have told me to “Go find a real job.” What they don’t realize is that working from home IS a real job, minus the bumper to bumper traffic, ...
Read moreby Amy Kennedy
Having trouble viewing the Daily Work at Home Prayer? Click Here for another version.
Read moreby Amy Kennedy
Written By Jess Weaver: Over the past few months I have really dived into freelance writing. It is truly amazing how many words you can generate in one day. The other week I did about 5,000 words in one day...
Read moreby Amy Kennedy
I began working from home so I could be present in the lives of my children. Yet it is that very thing that makes working from home the hardest! One of the first phrases my youngest daughter learned was “I...
Read moreby Amy Kennedy
In the nine years I’ve been working from home, I’ve noticed that there are more and more jobs being posted for people in all professions. When I first started working from home, most of the legitimate work from home jobs...
Read moreby Amy Kennedy
As the days get shorter during the winter months, it can be difficult to stay motivated when working from home. There are a few things you can do to help, however – this post will provide some ideas for how...
Read moreby Amy Kennedy
Written By Jess Weaver: Hi. My name is Jess and I am a work at home mom who specialized in freelancing. My journey started almost a year ago and here I am. I wanted to take some time to talk...
Read moreby Amy Kennedy
When we need a bit of motivation, inspiration or a reminder that another cup of coffee will make it all better, a few memes can put a smile on our face and give us what we need to get back...
Read moreby Amy Kennedy
I Can’t Work With My Kids Around I decided to pursue a work at home career after having kids. I couldn’t take the idea of dropping my baby off to a daycare full of strangers. However, every work at home...
Read moreby Jess Weaver
As my five-year work at home anniversary comes around, I am blown away by what a journey it has been. I started out as a frantic mother just trying to be home with my kids and God has totally turned...
Read moreby FStewart
Working from home is only one part of most of our lives, and by its very nature it competes more with our daily activities than other jobs do. This is because it is difficult to separate working at home from other...
Read moreby Miranda Grimm
My daughter’s kindergarten teacher had regularly intervalled “brain breaks” for her students. I’m not sure if it was for the kids or herself but it’s something we should all be doing. While too many breaks can distract your mind and...
Read moreby Jess Weaver
I’ve been working from home for nearly three years now and my schedule changes on a day to day basis. I’ve always struggled to find my work at home groove, until I learned to go with the flow. I figured...
Read moreby Leisa Good
Let’s see. First, there was Thanksgiving. That took a few days to get going again after it was over. Then came Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa. Then came New Year’s. Now, just as you’re getting back into your regular work-at-home routine–another...
Read moreby Erica Martin
I recently downloaded and read the book The Inner Game of Productivity: The Ultimate Guide To Overcoming Procrastination And Getting Things Done While Working From Home by Chaiwat Theerasong when it was offered for free on Amazon. It caught my eye because it was specifically...
Read moreby Leisa Good
Do you consider yourself to be a self-motivated individual? Do you engage in positive pep talks with yourself? Do you understand the importance of accountability? Well, then my friend and fellow work-at-homer (WAHer), you understand the importance of being a...
Read moreby Leisa Good
Do you continue on despite feeling that the odds are against you? Are you able to handle criticism as well as praise? When you are afraid do you still plunge past your fears? Then you, my friend, have the greatest...
Read moreby Erica Martin
A few months ago, I wrote a post about how to use mind mapping to organize thoughts for freelance writing, and broke down the basic process of creating a mind map – at that time I was focusing mainly on...
Read moreby Jess Weaver
I know I will try to come up with every excuse under the book to not exercise. However, three kids later and thirty pounds later it is time I get my but in gear. I always try exercising and quickly...
Read moreby Leisa Good
Are you good at networking and trading services with others? Are you able to come up with creative solutions to save money? Are you able to find free services that actually well for your home business? Then you must be...
Read moreby Miranda Grimm
I have been branching out to other bloggers as a guest poster. I have been honored to appear at The Work at Home Wife blog where I discussed the skills needed, and often overlooked, to land a work at home...
Read moreby Leisa Good
Are you feeling overly stressed and can’t seem to get off the proverbial gerbil wheel? Do you find yourself overwhelmed and tired by the middle of the day? Then maybe you need some good, old-fashioned “me-time”. Now with school back...
Read moreby Erica Martin
When you work from home, especially if you work as an independent contractor, it’s easy to put things off, especially if it’s an unpleasant task and/or you know that you have plenty of time to get it done. I know...
Read moreby Miranda Grimm
Do You Live in The Grey? I was recently contacted through email from a PR rep who basically congratulated me for Living in The Grey. Initially, I thought it sounded like an insult but as I did a little reading...
Read moreby Erica Martin
If you’re a freelance writer who likes to write about topics that interest you, it can sometimes be difficult to come up with ideas for article or blog posts. I get a lot of my inspiration for the posts and...
Read moreby Jess Weaver
These past few weeks I have been feeling so stressed about everything in life. Which is funny, considering I just went on vacation last week. Most of the stress that is occurring in my life is from being too busy. ...
Read moreby Miranda Grimm
Many people ask me if Working from Home can REALLY happen for them. Often they have looked through job leads for months, applied to jobs that were perfect but never heard back or found a job that turned out to...
Read moreby Leisa Good
If the holidays weren’t stressful enough, now the real stress is on! Because of the holidays, we work-at-homers (WAHers) now realize that we now have inboxes overflowing with emails, client work which was put on hold, and end-of-the-year taxes to...
Read moreby Jess Weaver
I’m no expert at working at home, but I can tell you that life has really changed for me in the past two years. When I first started working at home I was writing many hours a day and I...
Read moreby FStewart
It is a new year and that means everyone is looking to make changes. Though there are many resolutions made, the vast majority relate to health, money, and organization. One very common, very specific goal related to money is to...
Read moreby Leisa Good
With the New Year 2013 fresh among us, many of us in our personal lives have resolved to: lose weight, stop smoking, start exercising, and save money. These are just a few of the most commonly stated New Year’s Resolutions....
Read moreby Miranda Grimm
There is a striking difference between the titles “Stay at Home Mom” and a “Work at Home Mom”. Yet, somehow I keep thinking I am both. Obviously the difference being between one key word- Work. Being a working mom involves...
Read moreby Erica Martin
When you’re working from home it’s important to find ways to save time and stay organized so that you can focus more on your work and less on outside distractions such as email. In this blog post, I’ll be discussing...
Read moreby Jess Weaver
How many of you are scared to death of being fired from your brick and mortar job? It’s absolutely horrific to think about a boss sitting you or your spouse down and firing you. Believe me, it’s one of my...
Read moreby Jess Weaver
A few weeks ago I found out I am expecting my third child and every since my body has started revolting into depression mode. I am very excited about the baby, but I’m already a worrier and an anxious person....
Read moreby Miranda Grimm
One of my favorite things about writing here at Work at Home Adventures is when I get the opportunity to interview and meet new entrepreneurs! I love sharing stories of self-starters with the readers because it is often true inspiration and...
Read moreby FStewart
I was not completely naive. I knew switching from a traditional job to working from home might mean working at night after the kids went to bed. But I was one of those mom’s that had not really slept since...
Read moreby Miranda Grimm
If you hit that Contact Me Button on the left side of my page, without first reading through at least a dozen articles on my blog, I will never respond. Do not waste my time. It is very valuable to...
Read moreby Miranda Grimm
As many of you who follow closely know, I had lost my job with a company called Demand Media. The pay was excellent and the flexibility was exactly what I needed. As you can see in the popular post I...
Read moreby Miranda Grimm
“How Many Hours Do You Work from Home?” This is a question I get a lot, and even more so over the last couple of weeks. As most people seem to understand, there is as much variety in work at...
Read moreby Miranda Grimm
By far the most commonly asked question I see: “Can I really work full-time from home?” It is a difficult question to address as I don’t want to entirely discourage their work at home job hunt but it is extremely...
Read moreby Erica Martin
Written By: Erica Martin Working as an independent contractor can be a great way to work from home – it gives you the flexibility to set your own schedule so you can have more time to spend with your family,...
Read moreby Erica Martin
Written By: Erica Martin About two weeks ago, Miranda wrote a post about what to do when you just can’t seem to find the right job for you. She offered some practical tips, however I wanted to try to expand...
Read moreby Jess Weaver
Written By: Jessica Weaver Recently, I landed my first professional online writing job with Cheer Channel, Inc.Many people are curious as to how I landed a freelance job like this and what my plan of action was. First of all,...
Read moreby Erica Martin
Written by: Erica Martin It takes only a few moments plus a little bit of energy and intention to get your day off to a positive and productive start. The way you start your day will determine how the entire...
Read moreby Miranda Grimm
I am approached time and time again from people who follow WAH Adventures and other related sites faithfully. They are applying to jobs consistently and yet months later they are still seeking. What are they doing wrong? How are others...
Read moreby Jess Weaver
By Jess Weaver: I only started my work at home career a few months ago and I am just now seeing results. I have spent a lot of time filling out WAH applications. A person who wants to work at...
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